Egon Zehnder
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Egon Zehnder ist weltweit präsent und verfügt über 63 Standorte in 36 Ländern. Wir agieren als One Firm, ein starkes Team, dessen Expertise und Kontakte jedem unserer Klienten offenstehen. Als erfahrene Führungskräfte kennen unsere 560 Berater:innen Ihre Herausforderungen aus erster Hand. Wir setzen auf vertrauensvolle, langfristige Beziehungen mit Ihnen und Ihrer Organisation, die häufig eine ganze berufliche Laufbahn überdauern. Kennzeichnend für unsere Unternehmenskultur sind Exzellenz und Teamwork. Aus unseren individuellen Stärken ergibt sich ein starkes weltweites Team, von dessen Kompetenzen unsere Klient:innen profitieren.

Clemens Fahrbach

Clemens Fahrbach


Clemens Fahrbach berät Führungspersönlichkeiten und Organisationen dabei, in Zeiten des rapiden technologischen Fortschritts und schnellen Wandels…Mehr erfahren

Antonio Ianora

Antonio Ianora


Antonio Ianora, based in Milan, leads Egon Zehnder’s Industrial Practice with specializations in energy, automotive, and machinery and industrial…Mehr erfahren

Giovanni Tassini

Giovanni Tassini


Giovanni Tassini, based in Milan, supports leading institutions on a wide range of leadership themes, including senior management appointments as well…Mehr erfahren

Alessandra Tosi

Alessandra Tosi

Milan, Rome

Alessandra Tosi, based in Rome, is active in Egon Zehnder’s Industrial, Energy & CleanTech and CHRO practices. With her wide-ranging general business…Mehr erfahren

Lena Triantogiannis

Lena Triantogiannis


Lena Triantogiannis co-leads Egon Zehnder’s partnership with Mobius Executive Leadership as well as its global Accelerated Integration practice.Mehr erfahren

Yasushi Maruyama

Yasushi Maruyama

Tokyo Office Leader

亿康先达Maruyama靖先生办公室的领导者Tokyo and a member of the Firm’s Executive Committee, leads Industrial Practice in Japan and is…Mehr erfahren

Majd Altaher

Majd Altaher

Middle East

Majd AlTaher, based in Dubai, is active in Egon Zehnder’s Public & Social Sector and Services practices in the Middle East, focusing on helping…Mehr erfahren

Alex Lee

Alex Lee

Hong Kong, Shanghai

Alex Lee, based in Hong Kong, is an active member of Egon Zehnder’s Consumer Practice with a focus on retail, consumer-focused and digital business.Mehr erfahren

Victor Chan

Victor Chan

Hong Kong, Shanghai

Victor Chan, based in Hong Kong and Shanghai, is active in Egon Zehnder’s Industrial and Public Services practices. He co-leads the Chemicals and…Mehr erfahren

Fiona Cai

Fiona Cai

Hong Kong, Shanghai

Based in Hong Kong and Shanghai, Fiona is active in Egon Zehnder’s Financial Services Practice, drawing on her extensive experience to help clients in…Mehr erfahren

Angela David

Angela David


Angela David, based in Sydney, works closely with clients across all industries. She is an assessment and development specialist and active in the CEO…Mehr erfahren

Karthik Ramesh

Karthik Ramesh


Karthik Ramesh, based in Mumbai, is an active member of Egon Zehnder’s Health Practice. Clients value his ability to very effectively help…Mehr erfahren

Anuradha Tyagi

Anuradha Tyagi


Based in Mumbai, Anuradha Tyagi is active in Egon Zehnder’s Consumer (focusing on retail and media) and Technology & Communications practices.Mehr erfahren

Fiona McGauchie

Fiona McGauchie


Based in Melbourne, Fiona McGauchie is a valued advisor on CEO succession, assessment, and development of future leaders and other senior leadership…Mehr erfahren

Neysa Harilal

Neysa Harilal


Neysa Harilal shares her expertise in strategy development and implementation as a partner with insurers, asset managers, private equity firms…Mehr erfahren

Bhawana Malhotra

Bhawana Malhotra


Bhawana Malhotra, based in Singapore, has deep expertise in health care and guides clients in the health, consumer, and technology sectors.Mehr erfahren

Elaine Yew

Elaine Yew


Elaine Yew is a Senior Partner in Egon Zehnder and the Global Co-Head for our Family Business and Family Office Practice.Mehr erfahren

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