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Content related to Digital

Learning to make mistakes

Digital transformation calls for a whole new attitude to making mistakes. This can involve a radical culture change: In most German companies, for example, the principle of avoiding mistakes is deeply entrenched.

Identifying the right potential

Digital transformation is like a permanent revolution. It needs a CEO who can inspire both management and workforce with a clear vision – and managers at every level who can drive change forward independently and systematically.

Digital Deutschland?

The digital revolution doesn’t merely impact markets and products; companies are also undergoing far-reaching change at many levels.

Leaders of the Future: Navigating Disruption in Consumer Goods and Retail

Egon Zehnder was privileged to be part of the 60th annual Consumer Goods Forum global summit on 15-17 June 2016. Held in Cape Town, South Africa, the summit provided a window onto the energy and opportunity of Africa— the world’s youngest continent and one of the fastest-growing consumer markets.

Making the Future Now — How Financial Services Firms Can Adapt to a Customer-Centric World

Challenged by quick-moving rivals from outside the industry, traditional financial services institutions are looking to remake themselves to meet the expectations of customers who want service that is intuitive, customized and on demand. To find the digital leaders they need to pilot that shift, financial services institutions need to follow these ten best practices.

Winning the War for Digital Talent in China

The digital transformation is unstoppable, and nowhere more so than in China – where there are already 700 million people using the internet and social media, and roughly 100,000 new users joining each day. China’s e-commerce market is estimated at over RMB16 trillion, equivalent to around 40% of global e-commerce sales.

The Digital Eureka Moment

The business sector has set out down the road to digital transformation. Most companies are now aware that digital disruption will strike to the very core of their business and that a revolutionary process is under way.

The All-American Road Trip – As a Service: How the Auto Industry Must Rethink its Business

The auto industry, like so many others, is in the midst of both turbulent upheaval and awe-inspiring innovation. The promise of driving in the very-near future is filled with the excitement of affordable high-performance electric vehicles

Helping Millenials Plan for the Future or RoboAdvisor Start-ups Looking for Validation?

On Thursday night, a friend of the Firm rang me for advice on taking an offer to become the CMO of a promising fintech startup company (on a search led by a competitor). Should he take the job, or wait for another opportunity?

The Next-Generation Retail CEO: Mobilising an Ecosystem of Advocates

In contrast to the “merchant princes” who built the great retail businesses of the last century, the next-generation CEO will need to be a more skilled team builder who can create a culture of motivated collaboration.

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