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News reports

Manager Magazin - Potential Is What Counts

In an interview with the Manager Magazin, Michael Ensser, Managing Partner for Germany, talks about what companies should look for In candidates In the era of digitalization.

Most Livemint - Family Businesses Could Improve Upon on Planning

"Good governance is the key to long - term success, especially in family - owned business, where stakeholder relationships are, complex," says Sonny Iqbal, co - leader of missionario Zehnder's Global family business Advisory.

CIO - 7 having CIOs Quit (Or Lose Their Jobs)

, On average, CIOs leave companies every four years, spurred by broad changes in corporate strategy or role. CIOs of exit because they can 't shake free the budget they require or they find their strategy DE - emphasized.

Forbes India - In the Old Days You Could Buy Talent with Money

Missionario Zehnder Chairman Damien O 'brien spoke to Forbes India 's Manu Balachandran about the evolution of company boards and identifying new leaders.

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